
团队简介:水稻抗病分子育种创新团队以稻瘟病、白叶枯病、稻曲病等水稻主要病害为研究对象,围绕新抗源筛选与鉴定、新抗病基因定位与克隆、抗病分子机理解析、抗病分子育种等开展工作,获得重要抗病基因,揭示抗病分子机制,培育抗病优质高产水稻新品种。团队组建10多年来,鉴定筛选出20余份优异抗病水稻资源;定位克隆7个稻瘟病主效抗性基因;揭示了水稻U-box E3泛素连接酶SPL11通过泛素化降解小G蛋白激活酶启动细胞程序化死亡实现抗病性的新机制;通过分子标记辅助育种改良了100余份杂交稻亲本的稻瘟病和白叶枯病抗性,获得数千份抗病水稻新品系;参与育成33个水稻新品种,获得34份植物新品种权和7个国家发明专利;获国家技术发明二等奖1项,省部级科技成果一等奖2项、二等奖3项;承担国家自然科学基金、国家973计划、国家转基因育种重大专项、科技部农业成果转化资金项目、湖南省自然科学基金杰出青年基金等40余个国家级或省部级科研项目;在国内外学术期刊上发表研究论文240余篇。
4.Jinling Liu#, Chan Ho Park#, Feng He#, Minoru Nagano, Mo Wang, Maria Bellizzi,Kai Zhang,Xiaoshan Zeng,Wende Liu, Yuese Ning, Yoji Kawano, Guo-Liang Wang*. The RhoGAP SPIN6 directly associates with SPL11 and OsRac1 and negatively regulates programmed cell death and innate immunity in rice. PLOS Pathogens 2015, 11(2): e1004629.
5.Jinling Liu#, Wei Li#, Yuese Ning#, Gautam Shirekar, Xuli Wang, Liangying Dai, Zhilong Wang, Wende Liu and Guo-Liang Wang*. The U-box E3 ligase SPL11/PUB13 is a convergence point of defense and flowering signaling in plants. Plant Physiology 2012, 160:28-37.
6.Jinling Liu#, Xuejun Wang#, Thomas Mitchell, Yajun Hu, Liangying Dai*, and Guo-Liang Wang*. Recent progress and understanding of the molecular mechanisms
of the rice–Magnaporthe oryzae interaction. Molecular Plant Pathology 2010, 11(3):419-427.
7.Nan Jiang#,Zhiqiang Li#,Jun Wu,Yue Wang, Liqun Wu,Suhua Wang, Dan Wang, Ting Wen,Yi Liang,Pingyong Sun,Jinling Liu,Liangying Dai,Zhilong Wang,Chao Wang, Meizhong Luo,Xionglun Liu* and Guo-Liang Wang*.Molecular mapping of the Pi2/9 allelic gene Pi2-2 conferring broad-spectrum resistance to Magnaporthe oryzae in the rice cultivar Jefferson. Rice,2012,5:29.
8.Nan Jiang#, Jun Yan, Yi Liang, Yanlong Shi, Zhizhou He, Yuntian Wu, Qin Zeng, Xionglun Liu* and Junhua Peng*.Resistance Genes and their Interactions with Bacterial Blight/Leaf Streak Pathogens(Xanthomonas oryzae) in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)—an Updated Review. Rice,2020, 13:3
9.Hongmei Huang#, Ling Huang#, Guangping Feng, Suhua Wang, Yue Wang, Jinling Liu,Nan Jiang,Weiting Yan, Lingchao Xu, Pingyong Sun,Zhiqiang Li, Sujun Pan, Xionglun Liu, Yinghui Xiao*, Erming Liu*, Liangying Dai,Guoliang Wang*. Molecular mapping of the new blast resistance genes Pi47 and Pi48 in the durably resistant local rice cultivar Xiangzi 3150. Phytopathology, 2011, 101(5):620-626
10.Qiuhong Chen#, Gai Zeng, Ming Hao, Haoyu Jiang, Yinghui Xiao*. Improvement of rice blast and brown planthopper resistance of PTGMS line C815S in two-line hybrid rice through marker-assisted selection. Mol Breeding, 2020, 40: 21.